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Tuesday, July 12, 2011

We're Safely and Happily Back from SafariI

I'm sure everyone will want to add her own description of the Best of Safari 2011, so I'll just touch on what impressed me the most.  Our guides from South Africa, Hendrick and Adri, were the best!  They knew every animal, plant, and bird we met and were eager to share their knowledge.  Adri was a a great bush cook and kept us all in good spirits.  We camped comfortably in both bush and safari camps.  The river rides and game drives we shared were full of surprises and pleasures.  We saw zebras, giraffes, hippos, impala and a pair of sables and warthogs, baboons, honey badgers, and wild dogs -- and much more. The aroma of the veldt, the sounds of the birds, and the sights of animals combined to create a memorable experience.  The girls remain good natured, helpful, hard-working, and full of energy and play.  What a great group! --Wanda

1 comment:

  1. Wanda, it sounds like you all had a wonderful time! I'd love to hear more about the honey badger(s) when you return. We had one barge through camp during the evening in Chobe but I hardly got a look at it. Enjoy the rest of your trip.

    All the best,
    - Pete
